Ex-FSB General Killed Over Donald Trump Russian Hooker Golden Shower Dossier

Oleg Erovinkin, a former general in the FSB was found dead under mysterious circumstances. According to sources within the Intelligence Community, he was behind helping former MI6 officer Christopher Steel create the now infamous “Russian Hooker Golden Showers” dossier that deeply embarrassed the US President.

General Erovnkin was an aide to Igor Cechin, the head of the State Owned Oil company, who Trump supposedly met with — and was mentioned in the dossier more than once.

The 35-page report which claimed that Trump might have been involved in lurid sex activities in Russia, was slammed as “fake news” by the White House, and global news organisations have been unable to confirm the allegations.

Since the publication of the report by US news organisation Buzzfeed, several stories have emerged that high-ranking officials had seen the dossier, including former US President Barack Obama in his final days in office, then-President-elect Donald Trump, and UK Prime Minister Theresa May.

Of course, the FSB is investigating the death — although since it’s likely they are behind the killing if not Putin himself, it’s unlikely they will find a real suspsect.

Christopher Steele, 52, a Cambirdge graduate, remains in hiding following the revelation as being the author of the Trump dossier.


Pesach “Pace” Lattin is the original hacker. At 10 years old he took his parents original 8088 XT computer and took it apart and was told that he had to put it together. It took him a few days to figure it out, but within a year he was building computers himself. He also spent much of his time selling computer game copies to his friends at school – making a nice little profit.

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